Courses (Designed & Developed)
Proficiency: Articulate 360 (Storyline, Rise), Camtasia, HTML 5, SnagIt, Snipping Tool, Microsoft Office (Teams, SharePoint, PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Outlook, Paint, Access), Jing, iPad/mobile technology, YouTube, Zamzar, Google (Docs, Spreadsheets), Prezi, WordPress, SCORM, ADDIE, SAM, Blooms Taxonomy
AI: Microsoft Co-pilot, Merlin AI
Learning Management Systems: Cornerstone, Moodle, D2L, Angel Learning (Blackboard), Canvas (Oncourse), Moodle (Super User), Lessonly
Video Conferencing: Zoom, GoToMeeting, Skype, FaceTime, Adobe Connect, MS Teams
Other Systems: Basecamp, WhenToWork, Constant Contact, Qualtrics, Accutrack,, Onestart, SIS, PeopleSoft, Sakai, E*Value, EMS, IU Anywhere
Exposed to: Captivate, Other Web 2.0 products, Adobe Presenter, WebEx, Success Factors (LMS), Social Networking, Web 2.0
Business & Health
Loan Processing
Loan Setup - Appraisals
Loan Setup - Disclosures
Loan Setup - Internals
Post Closing - Credit SOP and Legal Stacking
Business Communication: Process Product
Sanitation and Safety
Special Event Management
Bridge | Local Public Agency
Critical Findings
Employee in Responsible Charge (ERC) Basics
ERC Bridge Inspection
ERC Recertification
HubSpot Overview
Environmental Services
Human Resources
Accidental Discoveries
Bats for Field Investigation Personnel
Building a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Categorical Exclusions (CE) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Process (CE Document Form Overview
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
NEPA Refresher (Environmental & Cultural Resources)
Migratory Bird Treaty Act
Red Flag Investigation
Right-of-Way Engineering Procedures
Storm Water Quality Training (Legal Background, Waterways, Rule 5 Permit, Parts of Rule 5, Erosion Control, Sediment Control, Other Pollution Prevention, Communication, Work Management Plan, Storm Water Football - Gamification, Storm Water Management Process, Pollution Prevention Impacts, Hotspots, Compliance, Inspections)
Building and Leading an Organizational Culture Through Change and Innovation
Career Exploration and Planning
Emotional Intelligence
Generational Differences
Inclusion and Belonging
Inclusive Leadership
Lilly - Policy Mandatory Training
Onboarding New Hires
Psychological Safety
Respectful Workplace
UCB Educator Call Resources
Law (Biotech Innovation)
Law (Constitutional Law)
Biotech Operations
Coverage and Coding
Healthcare Spending
Fraud and Abuse in the Delivery System
The Fuel for Investment and Innovation
Overview: Healthcare Spending
Overview: Litigation, Dispute Resolution and Investigations
Overview: Wrapping It All Up - Individual Student Hypothetical Presentation
Constitutional Protection
Constitutional Protection for Sexual Orientation and Sexual Activity
Unenumerated Fundamental Rights
Individual Rights
Selective Incorporation
State-action Doctrine
Economic Liberty
Law (Contracts)
Law (Copyright)
Consideration II
Performance and Breach I
Performance and Breach III
Derivative Works and Compilations
Idea Expression Distinction
Section 102: Copyrightable Subject Matter
Useful Articles Separability
Computer Software
Zalewski Case
Law (International Trademark Registration)
Law (Internet Law)
Absolute Grounds for Deceptiveness
Absolute Grounds of Descriptiveness
Absolute Grounds Related to Flags and Rights of Publicity
Absolute Grounds Relating to Functionality
Comparative Cancellation for Other Grounds
Comparative Non-Use Cancellation Timelines and Requirements
Comparative Post-Registration Methods and Practicing Post-Registration
Definiteness and Other Absolute Grounds
Geographic Indications
Registration Maintenance - Type of Maintenance
Worldwide Trademark Picture
Copyright and Trademark
Open IP
Section 230
Law (Sports Law)
Law (Writing for Practice
Best Interests of the Game Power
Decency Standards
Drug Testing in High School Sports
Homeschooled Students and Athletic Participation
Liability for Camping, Golf, and Skiing Activities
Other Applications of Player Punishments
Representation of College Athletes Agency Responsibilities
Strikes, Lockouts, Collusion Protest
The Americans with Disabilities Act and Accommodations for Athletes
The Limits of Assumption of Risk in Sports
Trademark and Copyright Ownership
Transgender Athletes and Legal Challenges
Writing for Practice
Transportation (AASHTO-TC3)
Industrial Enzymes: Enzyme Exposure Assessment
Industrial Enzymes: Tisch Calibration Exercise
Air Content by the Pressure Method
Basic of Concrete
Concrete Testing
Density Yield and Content
Introduction of Concrete
Making and Curing Test Specimens
Sampling of Concrete
Slump of Fresh Concrete